OSP 2023 WiSe
Field | Value |
Title | Open-Source Projekt (WI-Projekt) |
Lecturer | Gerit Wagner |
Link: VC | VC |
Link: Website | Website, open-source-development |
Status | ✔️ |
Student Evaluations | |
Improvement Issue | Issue Link |
Status of Revisions | ✔️ |
1. Announce the project (4 months before)
Start: December (summer term), May (winter term)
- Professor: Announce project on the website for the next semester (without dates/rooms).
- Secretary: Create the project in FlexNow.
- Professor: Update information in UnivIS (add keywords „WI-Projekt“ and „WI-Projekte“), check information on the website. VC/UnivIS: “WI-Projekt-B: Bachelorprojekt aus der Fächergruppe Wirtschaftsinformatik”
- Professor: The project should be announced in the Fachschaft WIAI newsletter
Deadline: mid-May (summer term), December/January (winter term)
2. Prepare the project (1 month before)
Start: March (summer term), September (winter term)
- Secretary and Professor: Set dates and request lecture rooms.
- IT department: Create the VC course, two weeks before the semester starts (automatically based on UnivIS).
- Professor: Create a reminder for the evaluations.
- Secretary: Add moderator and session dates in VC.
- Professor: Activate course in VC (visible to students).
Deadline: April (summer term), October (winter term)
3. Offer the project
Start: April (summer term), October (winter term)
- Professor: Schedule evaluations in the pen-ultimate week (30.21.evaluations).
- Scheine (Formular), Scheinklausur-anmeldungen bei Erstellung der Klausurbögen berücksichtigen
4. Grading and documentation
- Create reminder for the deadline.
- Use the grading scripts to assign grades and prepare FlexNow import
- Have failed exams reviewed by a second professor (?)
Entering Grades into FlexNow
Secretary: Enter grades in FlexNow (or create certificates if exam is not yet available in FlexNow (script)).
- Login: FlexNow - Lehrstuhlmodul - Prüfungsteilnehmer / zentral organisiert / Veranstaltung auswählen / Teilnehmer laden
- Formular zum Ändern einzelner Teilnehmer: Noten eingeben (Punkte müssen nicht eingegeben werden), speichern und weiter
- Oder CSV: export (utf-8), add grades/points via vlookup, import (csv-format: semicolon, no quotes)
- Im oberen Bereich: Teilnehmer laden, drucken, exportieren via LV-Semester: “Noten endgültig freischalten und verbuchen” (14.01). After the activation, changes can only be made through the examination office (wiai.pruefungen@uni-bamberg.de)
- Only store grades as PDF (not as csv)?
- Klausuren entsprechend der Reihenfolge im PDF sortieren.
Grades are archived at 14.02.
Sending exams to the examination office
- Professor: Exams are sent to the examination office (in person): Silke Nüßlein, Kapuzinerstr. 25, 00.01
- Professor: Analyse the evaluations, store the files, and document the improvements (see evaluations).
- Professor: Report teaching efforts at the end of the semester.
- Professor: Archive presentation protocols (projects and seminars: digital is sufficient).
Deadline: End of August (summer term), March (winter term)