22 Literature (shared)

graph BT
    subgraph SharedRepository["Shared Repository"]
        direction LR
        A@{ shape: lean-r, label: "References (references.bib)" }
        B@{ shape: lean-r, label: "Literature Summaries" }
        C@{ shape: lean-r, label: "PDFs (Git-LFS)" }

    subgraph LocalWorkflow["Local workflow"]
        K["Import paper in Zotero"]
        K --> L["Export to Obsidian"]
        L --> D["Create literature summary, add PDF and reference"]

    subgraph OnlineWorkflow["Online workflow"]
        J["Revise files in a shared repository on GitHub (upload of PDFs is not possible)"]

    J --> E
    E[Pull Request]
    D --> E
    E --> SharedRepository

    style LocalWorkflow fill:white,stroke:#333,stroke-width:3px
    style SharedRepository fill:white,stroke:#333,stroke-width:3px
    style OnlineWorkflow fill:white,stroke:#333,stroke-width:3px

Shared repository

Git repository with

  • References: references.bib in Git repository
  • PDFs: Git-LFS
  • Obsidian literature summaries
  • If Word integration (citation plugin) is needed: Zotero (for individual projects)

Local workflow

Zotero can be used (recommended) to facilitate the export to the repository


  • How to export PDFs efficiently / add the record to the references
  • TBD: PDF Commenting (Zotero??)

Online workflow

  • No setup is required.
  • Uploading PDFs to git-lfs is not possible.

TODO: Create concept notes with a script (not manually with obsidian/Zotero?)

Pull request

  • Labot support is enabled for pull requests (e.g., checking consistency, updating references).

Example repository: work_hub


  • PDFs cannot be uploaded online - must use the local cli for git-lfs?!
  • Zotero vs. JabRef?
  • Update repo setup: include Git-LFS
  • Existing projects: Move PDFs to git repositories with Git-LFS Nextcloud in sections 25 and 36.
  • TBD: CoLRev repositories (PDFs and obsidian vaults)