30.40 Theses

This page primarily contains administration details. For students, information is available on a separate page.

  • An overview of the administrative process is available here.
  • Information on individual theses is recorded internally (35 Theses).

Table of contents


The administrative process starts with formal thesis registration.

Students send the application for admission to the thesis to the examination office via their Stud e-mail address. The examination office verifies the admission requirements.

The examination office may ask the student to request an approval by the examination committee (Prüfungsausschuss) to write a thesis in the area of Digital Work. This is the case when older regulations (Studien- und Fachprüfungsordnung) apply (i.e., when master studies were started before 2018), or for students of Informatics and Applied Informatics (e.g., International Software Systems Science).

Students receive the topic confirmation as a (protected) Word document (.docx) by e-mail together with processing/submission instructions. The next step is to make an appointment with the thesis advisor to determine the topic and sign the topic confirmation. The secretary receives this message in CC.

Student and thesis advisor schedule a meeting to determine the topic and sign the topic confirmation. If the appointment is online, students can print and sign the confirmation, and send it to our postal address. It is important that we receive two paper versions with original signatures:

  • 1 original with signature of the professor and the student for the student.
  • 1 original with signature of the professor and the student for archiving at the chair (added to the 19-archive).

To complete the registration, the thesis advisor

  • Moves the documents to 35 - theses.
  • Enters the details in 35.000 - overview.
  • Enters the topic of the thesis and date of topic issue in the Word document (if the Word document cannot be found in the E-Mail history, students can share it):


  • Sends an e-mail containing the Word document to the examination office, which enters topic and the day of topic issue into FlexNow:


Anmeldung Abschlussarbeit

Liebe Frau Lopez-Hirt,

anbei übersende ich Ihnen die ausgefüllte Themenbestätigung für XXXXXXX.

Mit besten Grüßen

Gerit Wagner


Notes on thesis advising and process are stored internally in 35 - theses.

Supervising principles

  • Tell students that the exposé is completed (avoid a lengthy process before the actual thesis work starts)
  • Give clear feedback on current performance (students should not be surprised about their grade)

Submission of the thesis

Two copies in hard bound form and one digital version each are to be submitted to the examination office.

Thesis presentation

  • The student must present at her/his master thesis …
  • The thesis advisor and professor set a date for the presentation (students can decide whether the presentation should be scheduled before or after the grading)
  • A second examiner is required (check whether this is adequate)
  • The grading template is available here
  • Protocols should be archived (digitally / paper versions?)


The thesis advisor (professor) grades the thesis based on the template and the predefined criteria.

  • The hardback copy of the thesis, which remains at the chair, is stored in the archive room WE5/05.058.
  • A thesis is checked for plagiarism based on Turnitin. In case plagiarism is detected, the Plagiarism Process is started.
  • If programming is required as part of the thesis, this should be confirmed in the review.
  • For master theses, the weight of the written part is 67% and the weight of the presentation is 33% (based on Master WI MHB). For IBWL students, the presentation is mandatory but not graded. Grades for the thesis and the colloquium must be stated separately.
  • The deadline is given by the examination office. Our goal is to grade theses within two weeks (the official deadline allows up to 4 months).
  • Spell-check the review.
  • The review and grade in paper form (signed by the professor) are sent to the examination office by the secretary (no cover letter, Hauspost: Ref II/3).
  • The review (PDF) is archived at 14.04. Materials in 35.XXX should be consolidated.
  • Grades are entered by the examination office.
  • Students can check the grade via FlexNow.
  • Invite student to a feedback session using the following template:

Bewertung Ihrer Abschlussarbeit und Feedback

Sehr geehrte/r Frau/Herr XXXXX,

ich habe das Gutachten zu Ihrer Bachelorarbeit erstellt und an das Prüfungsamt übersendet. Vorab möchte ich Ihnen schon inoffiziell mitteilen, dass Ihre Arbeit mit der Note XXXXXX bewertet wird.

Abschließend möchte ich Sie zu einem Feedbackgespräch einladen, um die Bewertung und den Prozess zu besprechen. Ich würde mich freuen, wenn Sie diese Möglichkeit wahrnehmen. Einen Termin können Sie über das Calendly-Tool auswählen:


Mit besten Grüßen

Gerit Wagner

A confirmation for passing the thesis (Bestehensbescheinigung) can be issued upon request. Thesis supervisors can send a confirmation to the examination office via e-mail. The official confirmation is issued by the examination office.


Sehr geehrte Frau Schick,

Ich bestätige, dass Herr/Frau NAME die Master/Bachelorarbeit mit einer Note besser als 4.0 besteht. Können Sie das Ausstellen der Bestehensbescheinigung veranlassen?

Mit besten Grüßen

Feedback session

We provide feedback on the thesis and explain the grading.

Applicable regulations