10.33 Vacation

Welcome to the vacation section for the digital-work lab! This guide streamlines the administrative process for requesting and managing vacation time. Enjoy your time off and return refreshed.

Table of contents

1. Requesting Vacation

  • In general it is appreciated when vacation is taken during the semester break.
  • Supervisors will review and respond to the vacation requests within 7 business days of receiving the submission.
  • If the requested vacation period coincides with a peak operational period or other scheduling constraints, employees will be notified promptly to discuss alternatives.

Add your vacation to the internal shared calendar (TODO). If students need to know about your availability, you may add your vacation to the Calendar.

Scientific Staff

Fill out the official vacation request form, available on the HR page of Uni Bamberg (Urlaubsantrag für wissenschaftliche Beschäftigte) Link and send it to your supervisor or just send an informal e-mail with the requested vacation date.

Non-scientific Staff

Send your vacation request via BayZeit. Specific instructions can be found in the manual, which is available under the same link.

Student Assistants

Send an informal e-mail to your supervisor with the requested vacation date. To calculate your vacation days you can use this form.


With flexible working hours, which are the norm, the vacation entitlement is calculated as follows:
→ ((monthly hours / 4.348 ) / 5) x 1.66 x months; the result must be rounded commercially!

2. Documentation - Vacation Balances Tracking:

  • The remaining vacation days for non-scientific staff are stated in BayZeit (Urlaubsbogen für aktuelles Jahr)
  • Student assistants are requested to track their current balance of vacation days/hours on their monthly timesheet.

3. Communication - Notification to Colleagues:

  • Notify your immediate colleagues personally and state vacation/absence days in your outlook calendar.
  • Inform your students (if applicable): If you’re a teacher, notify your students about your absence. Depending on their age and the nature of your classes, you can either inform them verbally or send a written communication. Include the dates of your vacation and any instructions or assignments they need to complete in your absence.
  • Set up an out-of-office message: Configure an out-of-office email auto-responder, clearly stating the dates of your vacation and providing an alternative point of contact for urgent matters.
Sehr geehrter Absender,
vielen Dank für Ihre Nachricht.
Bis einschließlich XXX befinde ich mich außer Haus
und habe bis dahin leider keinen Zugriff auf eingehende E-Mails.
Bitte wenden Sie sich in dringenden Fällen während
meiner Abwesenheit an meinen Kollegen XXX
unter XXX oder telefonisch
unter +49 (0) 123 456 789.
Mit freundlichen Grüßen

4. Handover Procedures

  • Communication and briefing: Prior to the researcher’s holiday, they should schedule a meeting with the team members to discuss the ongoing projects, tasks, and any pending deadlines. They should communicate any critical information, potential challenges, and specific instructions for handling various scenarios.
  • Documenting project details: The researcher should ensure that all project-related information is documented and organized in a central location. The team members should have access to this documentation. Additionally, the researcher should clearly outline the responsibilities and roles of each team member during the handover period.

5. Exceptions and Special Circumstances

Emergency Situations

  • During emergency situations when an important team member is on vacation, it is crucial to have a plan in place. The first step is to identify a designated backup or point of contact who can assume the responsibilities and decision-making authority of the absent team member.
  • This backup should be well-informed about the ongoing projects, possess the necessary expertise, and be able to make critical decisions in the absence of the vacationing team member.

Changes in Vacation Plans

  • When changes need to be made to the vacation plan, open and transparent communication is the key. The team member should promptly notify their supervisor about the change, providing a clear explanation and any necessary documentation.

6. FAQs and Additional Resources

How far in advance should vacation requests be submitted?

  • Vacation requests should be submitted at least two weeks in advance, to allow for proper planning and coordination.

What is the policy for carrying over unused vacation days to the next year?

  • It is recommended to take all vacation days in the same year. You may be required to take your vacations before a certain date in the following year (other regulations may apply).