30.60 Reviews and appeals

This is the process for students to appeal against their grades for centrally organized exams and other exams (e.g. thesis, projects and seminars)

Centrally organized exams (Nachkorrektur)

Procedure - Students

  • For exams that are organized centrally, students can attend the “Reviewing Examination Results Date”, which can be found on this website.
  • During these reviewing days, students are encouraged to take notes and photographs of the exam. If students notice any discrepancies, they can write down their observations on a separate piece of paper and take pictures.
  • After the reviewing days, students can send an email to the responsible chair and request a correction, but only if they can specifically identify the questions and provide a picture of the exam task that requires correction.
  • Afterwards, the chair determines whether a post-correction is necessary based on the description and picture, and informs the student via email.

Procedure - Chair

  • When the chair receives a student’s correction request, the respective exam has to be requested at the examination office (E-Mail to: registratur.pruefungen@uni-bamberg.de, including student’s name and matriculation number).
  • After arrival at the chair, the exam will then be post-corrected by the professor/lecturer. When points or grade change, incorrect points or grade are to be crossed out, correct points and grade stated, together with date, stamp and signature (on the exam cover/Prüfungsumschlag).
  • The exam is then sent back to the examination office, which carries our a possible change of grades in FlexNow.

Other exams

For projects, seminars, and theses, feedback and comments are part of the process. You can ask to review the grading of your work and discuss potential corrections.