10.52 Orders

Office supplies



Books can be ordered via E-Mail:


Buchbestellung für Juniorprofessur Digital Work

Lieber Herr Illig,

Ich würde gerne für meinen Handapparat folgendes Buch bestellen:

Buchtitel (ISBN)

Mit besten Grüßen

Gerit Wagner

Examination documents

Cover sheets and writing paper must be ordered from the printing company

  • Email or call the printing company: druckerei@uni-bamberg.de (contact person: Stephan Hoh)

Required specifications:

  • Number of defect sheets
  • Number of exam papers
  • Cost centre

Ordering the exam papers

  • If large quantities are needed, the exams should be printed via the printing company in order to save costs


  1. Call Stephan Hoh make an appointment
  2. Personal delivery of the exams on the USB stick
  3. Know the cost center for billing
  4. Exams can be collected on the same day