30.59 Exams

When creating the course in FlexNow, we state that exams will be organized by the examination office (“zentral organisiert”).

Order labels (“Etiketten und Mantelbögen”)

E-Mail Request: “Meldung der Scheinteilnehmenden”

  • The examination office sends out an e-mail request, asking for the number of additional students (“Scheinteilnehmende”)

Preparing exam materials

  • Examination documents by mail
  • Envelope includes:
    • Important exam documents for your central exams
    • Checklist for completing the written exams
    • Name labels
    • Examination protocol
    • Event log during an exam
    • Name notices
    • Signs “Please do not disturb the exam”
    • Attendance list/paper check
    • Checklist “Examination Process Flow”
    • Supervision guidelines
    • Information sheet on canceling an exam for health reasons
    • Participants during maternity leave, “Scheinteilnehmende”, etc.
  • Professor includes the exam sheet (and summaries if applicable)

Examination day

  • Examination dates are announced via E-Mail by the examination office
  • Materials are provided by the professor
  • The secretariat will receive further important information by email for example on the topic of “identification after exams” (“Nachträgliche Identitätsfeststellung”)

Grading and entering grades in FlexNow

The examination documents (protocols, attendance lists, etc.) must be sent back to the examination office immediately. Missed exams and cases of cheating must be entered in Flexnow immediately.

Before grading (day of the exam)

  • Cases of cheating (Unterschleif): immediately enter it into Flexnow and send the exam to the examination office (do not grade it)
  • Cases of missed exams (Versäumnisklausuren): immediately enter it into Flexnow, archive the exams for 1 year in the filing cabinet.
  • Send the exam sheets, protocolls (Anwesenheitslisten), and two empty exams to the examination office immediately after the exams are completed.
  • Empty exams (Versäumnis-Klausur): archive for one semester.


  • Create reminder for the deadline: approx. 15. September (summer term), ??? (winter term). Grade early because colleagues may be on vacation before the deadline (not available to review failed exams).
  • Add bonus points if any and if exam is passed. Otherwise, note the bonus points and add a note “kann nicht angerechnet werden”.
  • Do not dispose of empty exams
  • Use the grading scripts to assign grades and prepare Flexnow import
  • Have failed exams reviewed by a second professor
  • Grades are entered in FlexNow. Certificates can be issued if exams are not (yer) available in FlexNOW (script)).
  • Exams are sent to the examination office (in person): Silke Nüßlein, Kapuzinerstr. 25, 00.01