18.10 Workstation
This page is currently under development.
The setup for a typical workstation includes the following:
- An Ubuntu Operating System
- Setup on a notebook (PhD students)
- Setup on an external hard drive (student assistants), together with a QR-code linking to a video on how to use the “system”
The following apps are pre-installed based on a shell script:
- First-steps file (on desktop), covering git config, ssh, gpg, github account, and a link to the handbook (onboarding section)
- Instead of a pre-installed E-Mail client, we recommend the web interface? (Thunderbird currently requires a paid owl extension)
- Browser: Handbook as the default page
- Back-in-time
- Keepass
- Git / Docker
- Paper Docker container
- Obsidian (with chrome plugin)
- Visualstudio
- Python / R / Jupyter
- Zoom
- Zotero (with chrome plugin)
Shell script:
# Remove snap
# Create a default folder structure
To set up an external hard drive, …