Review: 2024
Lab management: handbook
- Handbook development: 80 pages and 1,900 commits
- Recent items: Goals and cadence, calendar, Git repositories, research and teaching statements
Research: portfolio and publications
- BibDedupe, HealthCareAI, AICompetenceMed (Montréal studies) published
- Promising papers in 2nd-round revisions: Three A-Journal papers + The Lancet Digital Health
- CoLRev development continues
- Funding (DFG, SFB) in progress
- Good student participation and evaluation results, 30 theses (total)
- Teaching repositories mature (OSP, LRSem, IDW)
- Teaching notes: GitIntro accepted, currently working on GitCollaboration, TeaPad, EduRes
- 🏆 Chosen-Chair Award
Hands-on: SOP Update
Objective: Revise the Standard Operating Procedures (SOP) to better align with our team’s needs and goals.
- Take notes on challenges, best practices and ideas on how we work
- Read the current SOP
- Discuss how we should organize them, complement, remove, or adapt current items.
Outcome: Revisions of the SOP.
Lab management
- Strategic roadmap for our “system” (open for suggestions):
- Shared knowledge management (see literature)
- Thesis process (see thesis-confidential)
- Skill development (TBD)
- Labot
- New position (Bachelor/Master)
- Publication of 3 A-journal papers
- Papers in the three streams: digital work practices, distributed organizing, knowledge synthesis
- SearchQuery thesis program (target: JOSS), Laureen’s thesis on academic lab handbooks
- Develop IDW, improve OSP, offer LRSem via IDIS