Exercise notebook: Python 1

Offered by: Digital Work at Otto-Friedrich-Universität Bamberg License: CC BY 4.0

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With this notebook, you can familiarize yourself with Python syntax, create and run a Python package command, create and modify a dictionary data structure, and use an external library to read BibTeX records as dictionaries.

Part Label Time (min)
Part I Setup 25
Part II Data items 30
Part III External libraries 30
Part IV Functions 60
  Wrap-up 2
  Overall 174

Part I: Setup

“How do I write and use Python code?”

Switch branch

Navigate to the CoLRev repository, select the tutorial_python branch and start Codespaces.

As a first step, we install the package dependency manager Poetry, which will be used in part 3:

pip install poetry

Next, we reset the state of the repository to the beginning of the tutorial:

git reset --hard c9c915792f920e7198fed463ef7199cc84bb2264
  • As the session progresses, you can checkout the current commits
  • Whenever you see a git reset --hard ... command on the following slides, you can use it to set your repository to the required state (commit).

Setting up entrypoints

We implement a simple version of CoLRev that should be available through a separate command:

colrev run

The previous command will initially create a ModuleNotFoundError. We will create this module in the next step.


  • Check the last commit and the changes that were introduced. Which function does our new run command call?
  • Create the run.py module (module: file containing Python code) and the function that should be called. The function should print Start simple colrev run. Note that calling colrev.ops.run.main() means that colrev will try to import and run the main() function in the /workspaces/colrev/colrev/ops/run.py module.
  • Check the other functions in the module /workspaces/colrev/colrev/ui_cli/cli.py, and other modules in the /workspaces/colrev/colrev directory if necessary.

Part II: Data items

“How do I create and modify data items?”

Data types

In this part, we focus on the data structure of dictionaries, which are often used in CoLRev. Dictionaries are efficient data structures, which can be used to handle bibliographic records, such as the following (in BibTeX format):

  title   = {On writing literature reviews},
  author  = {Pare, Guy},
  journal = {MIS Quarterly},
  year    = {2023}

Task: Create a dictionary containing these data fields and print it when colrev run is called.

You can find the syntax for Python dictionaries (and many other data types) in the W3School.

Challenge (optional): If you have completed the previous tasks, try to use the CoLRev constants for fields like title, author, etc.. In many cases, using constants like these is preferable to so-called “magic strings”.

Changing data

Next, we need a field indicating the record’s status throughout the process.

Add a colrev_status field to the dictionary, and set its value to md_imported. Create a commit once the command prints the following:

Start simple colrev run
{'ID': 'Pare2023', 'title': 'On writing literature reviews', 'journal': 'MIS Quarterly', 'year': '2023', 'author': 'Pare, Guy', 'colrev_status': 'md_imported'}

To checkout the solution, run:

git reset --hard 98a0db7aac2ba174989362594532b2128f4167fc

Part III: External libraries

“How do I use external libraries?”

Finding and adding external libraries

Next, we decide to load (parse) a BibTeX file stored in the project. Search for an appropriate Python library to parse BibTeX files. Try to figure out how to install it and how to use it.

We decide to use the BibtexParser package, which is developed actively and available under an Open-Source license.

pip install bibtexparser

To add it as a dependency of CoLRev and make it available for users of the CoLRev package, we run

poetry add bibtexparser

Task: Check the changes and create a commit.

To checkout the solution, run:

git reset --hard 859b02536acd0173cc4263a5e97a602826d8051f
cd /workspaces/colrev
pip install -e .[dev]

Using external libraries

Go to the bibtexparser tutorial and figure out how to load a BibTeX file. An example records.bib file is available here. To use the file in your codespace, it needs to be uploaded. You can simply drag and drop the records.bib into /workspaces/colrev.

Bibtexparser has a pre-release (version 2), but for this session, we use version 1 of bibtexparser.

Instead of defining the dictionary in the run.py, use the bibtexparser to load the records.bib file. Remember to store the records.bib in the project directory.

Afterward, loop over the records (for ...) and print the title of each record.

Code quality

Create a commit, and observe how the code quality checks are triggered (pre-commit hooks). Remember that you have to create the commit in the colrev repository. If there are any code quality problems, these checks will fail and prevent the commit. Try to resolve linting errors (if any). We will address the typing-related issues together.

To checkout the solution, run:

git reset --hard f07be92d3c51ab8421caf57b77895dcb35395709

Part IV: Functions

Next, we would like to create a function, which adds the journal_impact_factor based on the following table:

journal journal_impact_factor
MIS Quarterly 8.3
Information & Management 10.3

Add your changes to the staging area, run the pre-commit hooks, and address the warnings:

pre-commit run --all

To checkout the solution, run:

git reset --hard 0487d824ede2d36c4c011bfe46869d2aa9ed016b


🎉🎈 You have completed the Python commit notebook - good work! 🎈🎉

In this notebook, we have learned to

  • Write and execute Python code in Python packages and modules
  • Create and modify data items, such as dictionaries
  • Install and use external libraries
  • Write modular code by using functions

To continue using your work in the next session, stop your Codespace here. In contrast to deleting a Codespace (which removes all files, changes, settings, etc.), stopping the Codespace preserves the current state of your work and does not consume computational resources.