Week 12: Code review
In this session, we ask you to review the code of another group, i.e., their pull request. You will adopt the perspective of a maintainer, i.e., a gatekeeper who takes responsibility for an open-source project by screening, improving, and integrating code contributions. The session takes approx. 40 minutes (plus feedback).
The objective is to develop the ability to collaboratively review code contributions by downloading, testing, and debugging code while providing constructive and respectful feedback in GitHub pull requests.
As a group, your goals are to:
- Download the code from the pull request (fork) to your local machine or Codespace
- Test whether the code works as expected
- Debug and improve the code (if necessary)
- Document your assessment in the pull request on GitHub and suggest merging, revising, or rejecting the contribution
Keep in mind that your review should be constructive and respectful, encouraging the contributors to revise their work and continue to be part of the community.
Resources: GitHub Best Practices for Maintainers