Review Protocol
Grading criteria: Protocol (70%)
Length: approx. 15 pages
Title page information:
- Topic
- Title
- Abstract (clarity)
- Keywords
- Generativity statement
- Clear topic, phenomenon, theory
- Explicit and appropriate rationale
- Clear questions or objectives
- Optional: review type
- Expected contributions
- Clear scope
Intermediary section (optional; note if it should be included)
- State type of review (justify if necessary)
- Description of search strategy and procedures (in line with review type)
- Description of screening criteria
- Quality appraisal (if applicable)
- Data extraction procedures explicit and aligned with review type
- Data analysis and synthesis approach described
Expected results:
- Structure of the synthesis (first-level headings)
- Proposed presentation of synthesis (e.g., in the form of a table or figure)
Conclusion / Short limitations, implications for research and practice
- List of contributors and responsibilities (optional)
- Timetable (mandatory)
- List of tools and purposes (mandatory)
- Intended registration (optional)
- Other declarations (optional)
References (quality and completeness)
Prior work must be cited appropriately. We run a plagiarism check for all protocols.
Submission: via e-mail to
Grading criteria: Presentation (30%)
Length: 10-15 minutes
You can use the template for Markdown (create repository from template), word, or adapt existing LaTeX templates.
Paré, G., Wagner, G., & Prester, J. (2023). How to develop and frame impactful review articles: key recommendations. Journal of Decision Systems, 1-17. link