Open-Source Project: Introduction to Git

WI-Project: Open-Source Project

Introduction to Git

Prof. Dr. Gerit Wagner
Faculty Information Systems and Applied Computer Sciences
Otto-Friedrich-Universität Bamberg


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Open-Source Project: Introduction to Git

Check-in: Group formation

  • Milestone
  • Anyone not yet part of an issue discussion?
  • Challenges related to the setup?
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Open-Source Project: Introduction to Git

Git: A distributed version control system


  • Every repository has a full version history
  • Most operations run locally
  • Reliable data handling, ensuring integrity and availability
  • Efficient data management for versions and branches
  • Scalable collaboration mechanisms for large teams and complex projects


  • Need to learn and understand the underlying model
  • Not built for binary files or large media files
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Open-Source Project: Introduction to Git

Learning objectives

Understand and use git to develop software in teams.

Part 1: Branching
Part 2: Committing
Part 3: Collaborating

Each part starts with the concepts before the practice session.

In the practice sessions:

  • Form groups of two to three students
  • Work through the exercises
  • Create a cheat sheet summarizing the key commands

* Note: This session is based on our unique and peer-reviewed approach.

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Open-Source Project: Introduction to Git

Start the Codespace

Open the notebook for practicing Git branching:

Open Notebook

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Open-Source Project: Introduction to Git

Part 1: Branching

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Open-Source Project: Introduction to Git


  • A commit refers to a snapshot (version) of the whole project directory, including the metadata and files
  • The tree object contains all files (and non-empty directories); it is identified by a SHA hash
  • Commits are created in a sequence, with every commit pointing to its parent commit(s)
  • Commits are identified by the SHA fingerprint of their metadata and content*, e.g., 98ca9
  • Commits are created by the git commit command

* If any of the metadata or content changes, the SHA will be completely different.

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Open-Source Project: Introduction to Git

The DAG, branches, and HEAD

  • Commits form a directed acyclic Graph (DAG), i.e., all commits can have one or more children, and one or more parents (except for the first commit, which has no parent). Closed directed cycles are not allowed.
  • With the git branch <branch-name> command, a separate line of commits can be started, i.e., one where different lines of commits are developed from the same parent. The branch pointer typically points at the latest commit in the line.
  • With the git switch <branch-name> command, we can select the branch on which we want to work. Switch effectively moves the HEAD pointer, which points to a particular branch and indicates where new commits are added.
  • With the git merge <other-branch> command, separate lines of commits can be brought together, i.e., creating a commit with two parents. The merge commit integrates the contents from the <other-branch> into the branch that is currently selected. The <other-branch> is not changed.
  • Per default, Git sets up a branch named "main".

Note: Arrows point from children to parent commits.

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Open-Source Project: Introduction to Git

Practice: Branching

Open the notebook for practicing Git branching:

Open Notebook

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Open-Source Project: Introduction to Git

Part 2: Committing

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Open-Source Project: Introduction to Git

The working directory and .git repository

All working file contents reside in the working directory; staged and committed file contents are stored in the .git directory (a subfolder of the working directory).

  • With git init, the .git directory is created.

Git allows us to stage (select) specific file contents for the next commit.

  • With git add <file-name>, contents of an untracked or modified file are copied to the .git repository and added to the staging area, i.e., explicitly marked for inclusion in the next commit.
  • With git commit, staged files contents are included in a commit.

* Note: Git only keeps track of files that are explicitly added. Untracked files are not part of the .git repository, i.e., not included in the version history and not shared when the repository is synchronized. Files must be untracked explicitly, as shown on the next slide. Git only keeps track of files, not (empty) directories.

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Open-Source Project: Introduction to Git

The three states of a file

Files in the working directory can reside in three states:

  • New files are initially untracked, i.e., Git does not include new files in commits without explicit instruction.
  • With git add, file contents are staged, and the file is tracked. Given that the file in the working directory is identical with the staged file contents, the file is unmodified.
  • When users change a file, it becomes modified, i.e., the file in the working directory differs from the file contents in the staging area.
  • With git add, the file contents are staged again, and the file becomes unmodified.
  • With git rm, files are no longer tracked.

* Note: git add and git rm do not change the contents of the file in the working directory.

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Open-Source Project: Introduction to Git

Resetting changes

To undo changes that are not yet committed, it is important to understand whether they are staged or unstaged:

  • If changes are not yet staged, the file is currently modified. A git restore <file-name> replaces the file in the working directory with the staged version. As a result, the file is unmodified because it corresponds to the staged file.
  • If the file is currently unmodified, a git restore --staged <file-name>, Git discards the staged changes by using the last committed version. The file contents in the working directory do not change, but the file becomes modified because it differs from the staged version.
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Open-Source Project: Introduction to Git

Practice: Committing

Open the notebook for practicing Git committing:

Open Notebook

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Open-Source Project: Introduction to Git

Transfer challenges I

Consider how the git switch (or the revert/pull/checkout) command affects the git areas. How does it affect the working directory?

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Open-Source Project: Introduction to Git

Transfer challenge: Git merge conflicts

Open the notebook for practicing the resolution of Git merge conflicts (related to branching and committing):

Open Notebook

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Open-Source Project: Introduction to Git

Part 3: Collaborating

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Open-Source Project: Introduction to Git


  • The distributed model of Git means that every repository has a full version history, (almost) all operations can be completed locally, and every repository can be developed autonomously.
  • To collaborate, a remote repository is needed, initially named "origin"
  • If the remote repository exists, the git clone command retrieves a local copy
  • To create a remote repository (named "origin"), and push a specific branch:
git remote add origin REMOTE-URL
git push origin main

* If the remote repository does not exist, you have to add the remote origin and push the repository.
* The REMOTE-URL must be an ssh url. Otherwise, changes cannot be pushed.

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Open-Source Project: Introduction to Git

Collaborating on branches

  • To retrieve changes, use the git pull command

  • To share changes, use the git push command

  • Most remote operations, including pull, push, pull requests refer to branches

  • In some cases, branches must be selected explicitly, and in other cases, git automatically selects branches, i.e., it remembers the typical branch to pull or push

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Open-Source Project: Introduction to Git

Collaborating with forks

This model works if you are a maintainer of the remote/origin, i.e., if you have write access.

  • In Open-Source projects, write-access is restricted to a few maintainers
  • At the same time, it should be possible to integrate contributions from the community
  • Forks are remote copies of the upstream repository
  • Contributors can create forks at any time and push changes
  • Contributors can open a pull request to signal to maintainers that code from the fork can be merged
  • Pull requests are used for code review, and improvements before code is accepted or rejected
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Open-Source Project: Introduction to Git

Fork, invite, clone, and pull-request on GitHub

(3.) You only need to clone the repository explicitly if you work in a local setup. If you start a Codespace, this is done automatically.

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Open-Source Project: Introduction to Git

Work in a forked repository

  • In the fork, it is recommended to create working branches instead of committing to the main branch.
  • It is good practice to regularly sync the main branches (on GitHub), and merge the changes into your working branches (locally or on GitHub).
  • Syncing changes may be necessary to get bug fixes from the original repository, and to prevent diverging histories (potential merge conflicts in the pull request).
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Open-Source Project: Introduction to Git

Practice: Collaborating

This notebook is not part of the Git session and is intended for you to work on independently at home. If you have any questions, feel free to bring them up at the beginning of the next Python session. We’ll be happy to discuss them then!

Open Notebook

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Open-Source Project: Introduction to Git

Try CoLRev

We have prepared a tutorial for CoLRev:

  • colrev-tutorial. It contains a notebook (.devcontainer/tutorial.ipynb ) explaining how to set up a CoLRev repository, complete the different steps, and analyze how the dataset changes.
  • In addition, a brief overview is available on YouTube.

We invite you to work through the notebook before the next session.

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Open-Source Project: Introduction to Git


Please share your feedback to help us improve!

Survey on the Git Introduction

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Open-Source Project: Introduction to Git

Project organization

  • Select a team leader who creates the fork and invites group members
  • Plan how tasks could be completed in separate branches
  • Avoid working on the main branch and synchronize it regularly with the original repository
  • Regularly check whether branches should be synchronized (merged)

Remember to delete the codespace!

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Do you see any challenges? - Try to reproduce the situation (stash) 2. Git provides the option to edit prior commits using an interactive rebase, such as the **git rebase -i**. How would that affect the following commits? git questions: understand linearized git history displayed on github / reading gitk DAG Illustrate on the whiteboard : new/alternative commit with the same parent, all following commits are applied on top of the new commit - commit SHAs change! - Refer to the slide on commits - Maybe even illustrate

# Remotes and branches - Most remote operations, including pull, push, pull requests refer to branches - In some cases, **branches must be selected explicitly**: pull requests, or pulling new branches - In other cases, git automatically selects branches, i.e., it remembers the typical branch to pull or push ![bg right:45% width:500px](../assets/git-remote-branch.png) --- # Transfer challenges II - Once a pull request has been opened, how can new changes (commits) be added? - Assume that you discovered a typo in a very old commit. One option would be to run an interactive rebase and fix the typo. Why could such cases of "rewriting history" be problematic in collaborative settings? - When pulling changes, there are two strategies to handle diverging branches: ``--merge`` or ``--rebase``. How do the results differ between these strategies? Note: pull requests are just pointers (like branches/HEAD, they move with the branch) pull --rebase (we discussed interactive rebase before) - GitHub offers the possibility to edit files directly. Are all three git areas available in this setting?