Literature Review Seminar

The Literature Review Seminar


  • Distinguish different quality dimensions for literature reviews
  • Explain which qualities are essential for the different types of reviews
Literature Review Seminar

Warm-up exercise

image Task (10 min): Record your topic, research question, and the type of review.

Literature Review Seminar

Warm-up exercise

image Question: If aiming for a top-tier journal, what key aspects would you focus on to produce a high-quality review paper?

Literature Review Seminar

Studying the qualities of exemplars

Studying exemplary literature reviews and analyzing the qualities that make them compelling provides valuable insights into what constitutes a high-quality review.

image Form a review panel to evaluate the review papers. Provide recommendations on which papers to accept and which to reject, along with justifications for each decision.

Literature Review Seminar

What makes a review successful?


image Question: Which factors lead to a high citation impact?

Literature Review Seminar

An empirical analysis

The study of Wagner et al. (2021)

  • There is a plethora of commentaries, opinions, suggestions, and ideas on the characteristics of a high quality review
  • We brought together an international and interdisciplinary team to study the question empirically
  • The research question: What are the main attributes that affect the scientific impact of IS review papers?
  • The research model covers factors at three levels: the paper, the authors, and the journal
Literature Review Seminar



Literature Review Seminar

Key insights

  • Methodological transparency is associated with higher scientific impact across all types of reviews
  • The development of a research agenda is associated with higher scientific impact (except for reviews aimed at theory testing, due to a lack of data)
  • The effects vary between review types, providing empirical evidence to the notion of methodological and typological pluralism
  • Differences in theoretical contributions are hard to measure (contributing to explaining, in itself, does not lead to a higher impact)
Literature Review Seminar

Methodological transparency and systematicity


Paré et al. (2016) sensitize us to the distinction between systematicity and transparency:
One refers to the soundness of execution and the other refers to the explicitness of reporting.

Literature Review Seminar

Reporting standards

  • In Information Systems, Templier and Paré (2018) provide an overview of recommended reporting items
  • In the health sciences, the PRISMA checklist provides established guidelines for transparent reporting of literature reviews


Literature Review Seminar

Theoretical contributions

  • Quality of theoretical contributions is hard to measure
  • There are high-level guidelines such as Leidner and Tona's (2021) thought-gear model for theorizing


Literature Review Seminar

Research agenda

  • Schryen et al. (2020) state that a research agenda "refers to elaborating on how researchers should conduct future research to achieve meaningful progress and possibly suggesting specific research designs, empirical settings, or offering strategic recommendations"
  • There are almost no recommendations on how to develop a research agenda
  • It may be helpful to study exemplars, which may inspire your research agenda


Literature Review Seminar


Literature reviews can be expected to be more impactful if they

  • are positioned with regard to an appropriate review type
  • are more transparent in explicating their methods
  • make a compelling and innovative theoretical or empirical contribution
  • provide more comprehensive suggestions for future research
Literature Review Seminar

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Literature Review Seminar


Leidner, D. E., & Tona, O. (2021). A thought-gear model of theorizing from literature. Journal of the Association for Information Systems, 22(4), 10. doi:10.17705/1jais.00683

Paré, G., Tate, M., Johnstone, D., & Kitsiou, S. (2016). Contextualizing the twin concepts of systematicity and transparency in information systems literature reviews. European Journal of Information Systems, 25, 493-508. doi:10.1057/s41303-016-0020-3

Schryen, G., Wagner, G., Benlian, A., and Paré, G. 2020. “A Knowledge Development Perspective on Literature Reviews: Validation of a New Typology in the IS Field,” Communications of the Association for Information Systems, 46 (Paper 7), 134–186. doi:10.17705/1CAIS.04607

Wagner, G., Prester, J., Roche, M. P., Schryen, G., Benlian, A., Paré, G., and Templier, M. 2021 “Which Factors Affect the Scientific Impact of Review Papers in IS Research? A Scientometric Study”. Information & Management, 58(3), 103427. doi:10.1016/
