Literature Review Seminar

The Literature Review Seminar

Steps of the process

  • Understand the generic steps of the review process
  • Appreciate the critical methodological choices in the search, screen, and analysis
Literature Review Seminar

What are the generic steps of a literature review?


Literature Review Seminar

Generic steps: Examples


  • The hermeneutic framework of Boell and Cecez-Kecmanovic (2014) vs.
  • The systematic guide of Okoli (2015)
Literature Review Seminar

Generic steps: Templier and Paré (2018)


Literature Review Seminar

Generic steps: Templier and Paré (2018)


Literature Review Seminar

Generic steps


  • The nature of steps varies, including their labels, their characteristics, and how they are arranged
  • The steps depend on the review type
  • Some steps are more generic, while others are more specific and only apply to selected types of reviews

In the following, we focus on the steps summarized by Templier and Paré (2018):

  1. Problem formulation
  2. Literature search
  3. Screening for inclusion
  4. Quality assessment
  5. Data extraction
  6. Data analysis and interpretation
Literature Review Seminar

Problem formulation

  • Rationale for the review, including an overview of related review papers

  • Gap-spotting or problematization (Alvesson and Sandberg 2011):

    • Gap-spotting is seen as (too) common, and may only signify a contribution if the authors can make a convincing argument that the gap is important
    • Problematization, as an approach that challenges existing theory and the underlying assumptions, can lead to more interesting and noteworthy contributions
  • Research question or objectives

Literature Review Seminar

Literature search: Foundations

  • Search types: Lookup vs. exploratory vs. systematic search (Gusenbauer and Haddaway 2021)

  • Search scope: time, journals, and academic vs. gray literature

  • Search techniques (with associated search sources):

    • Database search (keyword-based)
    • Backward search, i.e., search reference sections to go back in time (aka. snowballing, pearl-growing)
    • Forward search, i.e., using citation indices to go forward in time
    • Table-of-content search (whole journals)
    • Sampling from prior review papers
    • Consulting with peers (e.g., through direct contact or mailing lists)
Literature Review Seminar

Literature search: Citation searches


Literature Review Seminar
  • Most common search strategy in the management disciplines (58% according to Hiebl, 2023)
  • Common databases: Web of Science, EBSCO Host, ABI Informs, AIS eLibrary, ACM Digital Library, IEEEXplore, etc. (Knackstedt and Winkelmann 2006, Hiebl 2023)
  • Effective search strategies for database searches combine search terms with Boolean operators
Literature Review Seminar

Literature search: The "building-blocks" approach

  • RQ: What factors do influence physicians’ acceptance of telemedicine?


Resulting search string: (telemedicine OR telehealth OR ...) AND (physician OR doctor OR ...) AND (adoption OR acceptance OR resistance OR ...)

Building blocks can be based on established frameworks like PICO (population-intervention-control-outcome)

Literature Review Seminar

Exercise: Review a search strategy

Imagine you serve as a reviewer for a conference. You review a paper on algorithmic decision making, along with Table 2.

  • Evaluate the proposed search strategy critically, taking into account the building-block approach.
  • Make a recommendation to accept, revise, or reject.

* Note: Example taken from Mahmud, H., Islam, A. N., Ahmed, S. I., & Smolander, K. (2022). What influences algorithmic decision-making? A systematic literature review on algorithm aversion. Technological Forecasting and Social Change, 175, 121390.

Literature Review Seminar

Literature search: Strengths and shortcomings of database searches


  • Relatively efficient (see Wagner et al. 2021, Appendix A3)
  • Transparent and reproducible


  • Keyword searches: rely on exact matches
  • Need to be familiar with the vocabulary (check keywords or taxonomies like MeSH etc.)
  • Assumption of controlled scientific vocabulary although disciplines like Information Systems have abandoned corresponding efforts decades ago (Weber 2003)
Literature Review Seminar

Literature search: Search metrics

The common objective is to identify all relevant papers. Literature searches retrieve documents:


Three key metrics are particularly relevant in the context of literature searches (Cooper et al. 2018):

  1. Sensitivity aka. recall: . How many of the relevant papers do we find? ❓
  2. Specificity: . How well does the search exclude irrelevant results? ❓
  3. Precision: . How many of the search results are actually relevant?
Literature Review Seminar

Literature search: Assessing searches

  • Precision is the only metric that can be measured in a typical literature review
  • A highly precise search strategy should be suspicious because the search may not be comprehensive enough
  • Based on the SYNERGY dataset, average precision is 2% - 4% in medicine, chemistry, and computer science

Would you expect more precise searches in disciplines like Information Systems, Management, or the Social Sciences?

Literature Review Seminar

Literature search: Application

  • Draft a search strategy for your topic following the building-blocks approach.


  • Does the building block approach provide a good fit with your context?
Literature Review Seminar

Literature search: Outlook

Open challenge:

  • How can we iterate efficiently?
  • How do we justify the decision to terminate a search?
  • How can we use evidence to search effectively?
  • How can we make progress without database providers?
Literature Review Seminar


  • The screen is typically completed in two parts:

    • A pre-screen based on metadata ("include if in doubt")
    • A screen based on full-text documents, resulting in the final sample
  • The screen is often based on explicit inclusion and exclusion criteria

Literature Review Seminar

Screening reliability

Screening tasks are often split among the review team to complete the process more quickly, and to ensure reliable decisions


  1. Definition of criteria, training, and pilot test
  2. Parallel-independent screen (partially or fully overlapping sample)
  3. Independent screen of the remaining papers (if any)
  4. Reconciliation: in case of disagreements, final decisions are made by selected team members (often more senior researchers)
  5. Calculate inter-rater agreement (e.g., Cohen's Kappa) and report the process
Literature Review Seminar

Reporting the search and screen


The PRISMA flow chart (updated version by Tricco et al. 2018)

An online version is available here

Literature Review Seminar


Literature Review Seminar

Reading strategies

The reading activities can be organized strategically at two levels:

  • The overall corpus level: In which order should papers be read or skimmed?

  • The individual paper level: How should the different parts of a paper be read?

Assume you have 300 papers to cover, how would you organize the reading activities?

Literature Review Seminar

Data analysis

Key differences with regard to data extraction and analysis:

  • Focus on metadata vs content
  • Inductive vs deductive reasoning
Literature Review Seminar

Data analysis example: Metadata profiling (example)


Literature Review Seminar

Data analysis example: Co-citation analysis


Literature Review Seminar

Data analysis example: VOS viewer


Literature Review Seminar

Data analysis example: Inductive coding

Grounded theory is an inductive method commonly used in literature reviews (Wolfswinkel et al. 2013)

In the data analysis phase, the three coding techniques are central:

  • Open coding generates higher-abstraction level type categories from sets of concepts/variables
  • Axial coding develops categories and relates them to their possible sub-categories
  • Selective coding integrates and refines the categories
Literature Review Seminar

Data analysis: The Gioia data structure

The coding process and results are often illustrated in the Gioia data structure


Literature Review Seminar

Data analysis: Example for inductive analysis

  • Scope: Digital platforms for knowledge-intensive services, such as Upwork, Fiverr, or TopCoder

  • Sample: 50 papers, mostly published in the Information Systems discipline

  • Data: Text fragments and figures have been pre-selected: access the worksheet

  • Objective: Analyze extant research and inductively develop a process model

Literature Review Seminar

Data analysis example: Aggregating evidence (I)

Vote counting is one technique to aggregate the evidence from prior empirical studies

  • Key variables are extracted and compiled in a list of master codes

  • Effects between independent and dependent variables are coded:

    • +1 for a positive significant effect
    • 0 for no-significant effects
    • -1 for negative significant effects
Literature Review Seminar

Example: Lacity et al. (2011)

Effects are aggregated and presented as follows:


Literature Review Seminar

Data analysis example: Aggregating evidence (II)

Strength of vote counting:

  • Aggregates evidence from quantitative and qualitative studies

Shortcoming of vote counting:

  • Risk of bias is not assessed
  • Effect sizes are not determined

Meta-analysis techniques address these shortcomings.

Literature Review Seminar

Data analysis: Risk of bias assessment (I)

Literature Review Seminar

Data analysis: Risk of bias assessment (II)


Literature Review Seminar

Data analysis: Data extraction

Research objective: "to assess the effects of Fitbit-based interventions, compared with nonwearable control groups, on healthy lifestyle outcomes." (Ringeval et al. 2020)

Data extraction (example):

  • Two randomized controlled trials: Thorndike et al. 2014, van Blarigan et al. 2019
  • Extract the following findings (at follow-up):


Literature Review Seminar

Data analysis: Forest plot of standardized mean differences


Literature Review Seminar

Discussion of the data analysis section

Create a quick draft for the data extraction and analysis section.

  • Would you follow an inductive or deductive approach (why)?
  • What outcomes would you expect ideally?
Literature Review Seminar


Generic steps

Okoli, C. (2015). A guide to conducting a standalone systematic literature review. Communications of the Association for Information Systems, 37. doi:10.17705/1CAIS.03743

Boell, S. K., & Cecez-Kecmanovic, D. (2014). A hermeneutic approach for conducting literature reviews and literature searches. Communications of the Association for information Systems, 34, 12. doi:10.17705/1CAIS.03412

Templier, M., & Pare, G. (2018). Transparency in literature reviews: an assessment of reporting practices across review types and genres in top IS journals. European Journal of Information Systems, 27(5), 503-550. doi:10.1080/0960085X.2017.1398880

Literature Review Seminar

Problem formulation

Alvesson, M., & Sandberg, J. (2011). Generating research questions through problematization. Academy of Management Review, 36(2), 247-271. doi:10.5465/amr.2009.0188


Gusenbauer, M., & Haddaway, N. R. (2021). What every researcher should know about searching–clarified concepts, search advice, and an agenda to improve finding in academia. Research Synthesis Methods, 12(2), 136-147. doi:10.1002/jrsm.1457

Hiebl, M. R. (2023). Sample selection in systematic literature reviews of management research. Organizational Research MNethods, 26(2), 229-261. doi:10.1177/109442812098685

Knackstedt, R., & Winkelmann, A. (2006). Online-Literaturdatenbanken im Bereich der Wirtschaftsinformatik: Bereitstellung wissenschaftlicher Literatur und Analyse von Interaktionen der Wissensteilung. Wirtschaftsinformatik, 1(48), 47-59. doi:10.1007/s11576-006-0006-1

Literature Review Seminar

Wagner, G., Prester, J., & Paré, G. (2021). Exploring the boundaries and processes of digital platforms for knowledge work: A review of information systems research. The Journal of Strategic Information Systems, 30(4), 101694. doi:10.1016/j.jsis.2021.101694


Tricco, A. C., Lillie, E., Zarin, W., O'Brien, K. K., Colquhoun, H., Levac, D., ... & Straus, S. E. (2018). PRISMA extension for scoping reviews (PRISMA-ScR): checklist and explanation.
Annals of Internal Medicine, 169(7), 467-473. doi:10.7326/M18-0850

Literature Review Seminar

Data analysis

Wolfswinkel, J. F., Furtmueller, E., & Wilderom, C. P. (2013). Using grounded theory as a method for rigorously reviewing literature. European journal of information systems, 22(1), 45-55. doi:10.1057/ejis.2011.51

Higgins J, Savovic J, Page MJ, Elbers RG, Sterne JA. Chapter 8: Assessing risk of bias in a randomized trial. In: Cochrane Handbook for Systematic Reviews of Interventions. London: Cochrane; 2019. link

Lacity, M. C., Solomon, S., Yan, A., & Willcocks, L. P. (2011). Business process outsourcing studies: a critical review and research directions. Journal of Information Technology, 26, 221-258. doi:10.1057/jit.2011.25

Ringeval, M., Wagner, G., Denford, J., Paré, G., & Kitsiou, S. (2020). Fitbit-based interventions for healthy lifestyle outcomes: systematic review and meta-analysis. Journal of Medical Internet Research, 22(10), e23954. doi:10.2196/23954

Discuss how the models fit together / what the underlying differences are - Reading activities: in the "data extraction" hermeneutic vs. systematic traditions inductive/emergent vs. deductive form of data analysis Okoli: screen before search? (search: "reporting the search")

TODO : discuss the differences between review types

Remember: coherence

- methodological coherence objectives/type/methods -> we have done that in the first session

-> Check the Ringeval search. Surprising: the search strategy was stated without any trial-and-error/iterations. Explain the linked-list format, explain the Concept-Synonym-group approach

anecdote: sex vs. gender

- $TP$: True positives = *retrieved* by the search and *relevant* - $FP$: False positives = *retrieved* by the search but *irrelevant* - $FN$: False negatives = *not retrieved* by the search and *relevant* ❓ - $TN$: True negatives = *not retrieved* by the search but *irrelevant* ❓

It is instructive to know these metrics The key objective is to identify all relevant papers, but also to do that efficiently A certain level of noise (precision) must be accepted SYNERGY datasets: included = relevant all records (retrieved) = True positives and False positives on average: 4% or 2% when removing outliers -> check absolute numbers: covering 1,000 papers to identify 20-40 relevant ones (search may be too narrow when the inclusion percentage is bigger)

"We have waited too often that database provides improve search capabilities"!

-> illustrate "Percentage agreement, Agreement by chance" with an example on the blackboard

cite Bandara !? on profiling?

TBD: Illustrate differences between co-citation analysis and bibliographic coupling? Highlight the Web of Science data export format

Exampe: Lacity et al. (2011) TODO : summarize vote counting and give an outlook on meta-analyses - data extraction (reliability, ...) - risk-of-bias (quality) assessment - Vote counting example (meta-analysis)

- Hierarchy of evidence (medicine)

Topic 4A Topic 4B Grounded theory: Topic 11