Introduction to Python

Project: Introduction to Python (2)

Prof. Dr. Gerit Wagner
Introduction to Python

Start our development environment on GitHub Codespaces

Resume the Codespace started in the previous session


Prof. Dr. Gerit Wagner
Introduction to Python

Package setup

To create a new Python package, you can use package and dependency management tools, such as Poetry and poetry init.

If you work on existing CoLRev packages, you can extend the existing code available in the internal packages directory.

To create a new CoLRev package, navigate to the internal packages directory and run

colrev package --init

This command assists you in setting up a new CoLRev package interactively.

More information on package development is available in the documentation.

Prof. Dr. Gerit Wagner
Introduction to Python


Useful links and resources for learning Python are available here.

Prof. Dr. Gerit Wagner
Introduction to Python

Next: Best practice and hacking sessions (per group)

  • Read the CoLRev-Enhancement Proposal on SearchSources CEP-002, and raise questions in the issue feed (if any)
  • Take notes on key challenges and questions (for the best practice session)
  • Schedule consultation sessions as needed via Calendly
Prof. Dr. Gerit Wagner
Introduction to Python

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Prof. Dr. Gerit Wagner