Introduction to Digital Work

Exam prep

Introduction to Digital Work

Test exam

  • Sheets distributed in paper or online
  • Summaries are available
  • 90 Minutes
  • Return your summaries to indicate that you have completed the test exam
Introduction to Digital Work

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Introduction to Digital Work

Thank you

  • For participating in the lecture "Introduction to Digital Work"
  • For the discussions and excitement
  • For your patience when things were not (yet) perfect

Keep in touch, keep up with digital work trends, and enjoy summer vacations!

Recap / typical exam questions Mentimeter: welche methoden/inhalte haben dich am meisten interessiert? welche sind für deine berufliche Zukunft am hilfreichsten? Explicitly formulate expectations for the exam: - understand git status /areas - do: operations in status areas - do: create version trees