- Describe the key concepts and processes of Open-Source projects.
- Follow Open-Source practices to contribute to a shared project.
- Explain how different technologies can help to organize Open-Source work.
Powerful and efficient model
- almost no limitations for modifications (even forks are possible) - introduces variation
- very efficient control mechanisms
Transition: Teams to Crowds (lecture)
- Intrinsic motivation replacing extrinsic rewards (money)
- How to work with existing resources (code): the question shifts from the initial creation of code to the assessment, selection and reuse of existing code. Even ideation is crowd-sourced (see 11)
- Incremental work is useful to coordinating across development efforts.
- Linus law (8): assumption that every non-trivial program has bugs. The question shifts from the prevention of bugs to the detection and fixing of bugs. The fixing by the community is only possible when the code is open. This is particularly relevant for security issues.
TODO : afterwards, we have a good basis to compare/evaluate open-source projects (commits/contributors/pull-requests/issues)
Self-selection: inefficient for beginners, for tasks that are not attractive, or tasks that are not visible, or tasks that are too challenging
Coordination problems: often addressed by forks (redundant work)
Need for code of conduct, ...
# Open-Source philosophy
# Open-Source challenges
- How to facilitate self-selection into tasks (especially beginners)
- Tone/code of conduct (refer to control theory - clan control)
- Mention possibility of multiple forks (intention to contribute to the original project vs. to create a new project)
- TBD: licenses (associated values)
-> methods / leadership / control questions
Later: add: The technologies and organizing best practices (solutions)
-> AI / prompting to rewrite code / to summarize pull requests