(e.g., conflict, interruption, inclusion). - Distinguish synchronous from asynchronous communication settings. / Distinguish forms of synchronous and asynchronous collaborative content creation and select appropriate technologies.
--- # Break
don't start with media richness theory (maybe a bit too challenging/differences to MST are more difficult to understand) Task: too broad -> MST: communication processes at a micro-level Media synchronicity theory (Dennis, Fuller, and Valacich, 2006): - An influential theory in IS (citations, best paper awards) - The theory explains communication (and task) performance based on the fit between media synchronicity, communication processe, and appropriation factors **TODO : start with the fit aspect** [[DennisFullerValacich2006]]
# MST: Communication processes - Introduce the elements step-by-step: - Communication processes: conveyance vs. convergence, which are more specific/smaller than tasks (MRT). also distinguish transmission from processing # MST: Media synchronicity - Media synchronicity: synchronous vs. asynchronous (definition) # MST: Media synchronicity requirements - Media synchronicity requirements for different communication processess (table 1, proposition P1) -> importance of **fit** # MST: Appropriation factors - Appropriation factors (**fit**) # MST: Examples I - **TODO : short exercise for the main concepts (communication processes, media synchronicity, appropriation factors, fit and communcation performance)** # MST: Media characteristics - Media characteristics: transmission and processing capabilities: construct figure 2 step-by-step (starting with the simple sender - medium - receiver model and then adding the different elements) # MST: Examples II - TODO : exercise: rate different communication media... # MST: Summary - refer back to HwangKettingerYi2015 and point out that DennisFullerValacich2006 stop at the hypothesis generation step (no empirical study) - Derive implications - TODO : application / exercise (short descriptions of scenarios, such as a team rejecting a certain application) - TODO : collect and discuss best practices (e.g., signalling availability - are you red/orange/green?) / analyze based on MST (?) / don't cover conflict etc. too much - they are in lecture 7 https://convergencelabs.com/blog/2018/01/the-four-cs-communication-coordination-cooperation-and-collaboration/ https://coachbetter.tv/the-difference-between-communication-cooperation-coordination-collaboration/ # Homework Read [external communication](https://about.gitlab.com/handbook/communication/#external-communication)
whiteboard: expands the symbol set, e.g., allowing participants to develop sketches or mathematical models. also increases parallelism (audio, video of participants, and video of whiteboard) Video: increase symbol set (visual cues, gestures, reactions) - especially when meetings aim to converge on particular items. Appropriation factors: familiar with the challenges, perhaps even trained to increase video-use, could be due to past experiences, or even norms in the team or organization. AI assistant: several features to transcribe, summarize, or sub-title meetings - improves reprocessability (during and after the meeting) coding: Convergence requires high synchronicity, especially wrt. the symbol set of collaborative coding (synchronous) - e.g., [Visual Studio Live Share](https://visualstudio.microsoft.com/de/services/live-share/) https://www.zoom.com/en/products/collaboration-tools/features/
What can the communication outcomes be? e.g., reduce ambiguity, rally support for a project, foster inclusion and trust, discover private information, make decisions, prevent and resolve conflicts Individual and task/environment factors at play (stress/complexity/technology) Key message: - Communication media and practices should be adapted to the situtation (many facets to consider, many potential outcomes to anticipate) - Theories of fit may be particularly suitable, as exemplified by Media Synchronicity Theory propositions...
- we have a short explanation video for that - should we reschedule? should I brief you after the meeting?
In small groups (2-3),
https://about.gitlab.com/handbook/communication/#smart-note-taking-in-meetings https://about.gitlab.com/handbook/communication/#types-of-meetings
Homework: read the product-development workflow in the gitlab handbook # Exercise and homework Preparation: do a git tutorial (provide short/longer and interactive ones) - be prepared for the in-depth session next week (have your questions ready) # Materials - [ ] TODO check: Superbosses: How Exceptional Leaders Master the Flow of Talent Give and Take: Why Helping Others Drives Our Success TBD: communities-of-practice (e.g., wikipedia on CSCW: awareness) alternative exercise: TBD: maybe give students 2-3 cases, have brief discussion, have them read different papers (MRT,MST,interruptions,conflict,team-leadership,learning/onboarding), and then discuss the cases from the perspective of different theories Note: possible extensions: - zoom-fatigue (what are the different forms of labor that make videoconferences exhausting?) - Virtual impression management: https://journals.sagepub.com/doi/10.1177/01492063231225160